Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro MPO, NC
Home MenuTriangle Region ITS Strategic Deployment Plan Update
The DCHC MPO partnered with the Capital Area MPO and the NCDOT to update the comprehensive regional Strategic Deployment Plan for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the Triangle region.
The updated Triangle Regional ITS Deployment Plan reflects the current status of ITS deployments in the region and to identifies recommended deployments over the next 10 years. The recommendations in the plan are intended to guide the continued implementation of strategies and technologies to improve safety and reliability of the regional transportation system. The update was prepared with the assistance and guidance of both the DCHC MPO and the CAMPO and involved extensive participation by NCDOT, FHWA, and FTA and all local municipalities, transit agencies, and emergency service providers in the Triangle Region. This study took place in 2018-2019, with the final report released in June 2020.