Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro MPO, NC
Home MenuTransportation Improvement Program
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a ten-year funding document for bicycle, pedestrian, highway, rail, and public transportation projects. Every two years, the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro (DCHC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) approves its Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP), and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) produces the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
In addition to the MTIP and STIP, the DCHC MPO and NCDOT approve a supplement to the STIP, which includes adjustments to cost figures and schedules for projects programmed in the current TIP. In developing the TIP, the MPO and NCDOT follow the priorities of the previous State TIP as well as the Regional Priorities List that the MPO adopts every two years in accordance with the MPO’s Public Participation Policy.
Transportation Improvement Program funds are initially divided among the 14 Highway Divisions in North Carolina. The DCHC-MPO is a part of both Division 5 and 7 with a small portion in Division 8 (Chatham County). Beyond highway funds, DCHC-MPO receives TIP funding for the four transit systems that operate in the urban area: GoDurham (formerly DATA), Chapel Hill Transit, GoTriangle (formerly Triangle Transit Authority ), and Orange Public Transit. These transit agencies receive capital and operating assistance through the TIP to expand and maintain their current fleet of buses, operating assistance for public transportation services, and planning assistance to critique and refine services.
The NCDOT maintains a site with information about the State TIP.
The DCHC MPO compiled a draft summary of transportation funding sources that are commonly used to fund infrastructure and transit projects and planning programs. Click here to download the Draft Transportation Funding Summary.