Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro MPO, NC
Home Menu2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan
The 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is DCHC MPO's currently adopted MTP, or long-range plan. Engagement to move towards adoption of the 2055 MTP began in November 2023 with the goals and objectives visioning process. This plan will be known publicly as "Destination 2055" and additional details can be found through the designated plan website at Destination2055NC.com, or by signing up for updates through the "subscribe" option below.
The federal government requires the MPO to update their MTP at least every five years. The MTP should list the highway, public transportation, bicycle, pedestrian and other transportation projects to be implemented over at least the next twenty years to address expected travel demand. This long-range plan also has to be based on local land use plans and demonstrate that the expected revenues will cover the expected costs – this is also called fiscal constraint. As a practical matter, the MTP is important because projects to be submitted into the prioritization process for possible state and federal funding must come from the MTP, and local governments use the MTP to reserve right-of-way for future highway and rail transit projects.
The series of tabs on this Web page show the engagement components for updating the plan, and will include the documents and maps used to develop the 2055 MTP. The tabs are ordered to coincide with the process; they start with the Goals and Objectives, lead to the Alternatives Analysis, and end with the Adopted Plan.
If you need assistance related to this plan, please contact Colleen McGue (See: Staff Directory).